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What is organizational culture and why is it important to adopt it in your company? Implement it now!

We can say that organizational culture is what ensures the entire structure of a company. And that is why we are talking about people, leadership, actions and all strategies organizational culture  .

So, if you want to know more about what organizational culture is and how to implement it in your company, don’t miss this content prepared by Zendesk . Below we provide a complete guide with everything you need to know.

Organizational culture is the concept that refers to the set of habits and beliefs of a company, which are carried out through norms, values ​​and attitudes. In other words, it is related to how the company positions itself and organizational culture  differentiates itself in a highly competitive market.

And organizational culture is related to customer service, how the company does business and how it treats its employees.

According to Maslow’s Pyramid — or Hierarchy of Human Needs — a theory created by Abraham Maslow, a humanistic psychologist, not all human needs are related to the financial issue.

And, according to the psychologist

we develop even higher needs and desires as our base-of-the-pyramid needs are met.

Therefore, to satisfy the desires of your employees, not only a good salary is enough, but it is also necessary to offer a pleasant environment. And this is possible through organizational culture.

These are the elements that are part of the organizational culture. Norms are the established rules and standards that are accepted or not. In other words, they are the behaviors that are expected from the company’s employees , so what is not well accepted can be punished.

An example is more traditional companies that do not accept their employees arriving late and punish them, while  australia telegram data 3 million startups, in general, accept remote work.

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Presupposition and Beliefs
These elements define something that everyone in the company believes in. They are generally related to the company’s purpose. Over  time, these beliefs and assumptions become internalized by people in the organization.

They are literally the stories of japan number list  the organization. That is, it can be the good story of the founder, events that  organizational culture  happened and generated good stories and everything that is part of building the company.

Taboos are topics that are considered controversial in the company and society . In other words, they are topics that are not well regarded by the company, so people avoid talking about them. In general,

these are topics such as prejudice and diversity

This applies to all forms of company communication. Both company communication to employees and communication between people. In other words, the channels used, the language, the most appropriate approach, how to communicate with customers and also with suppliers.

These are the people who represent the institution well. In other words, they are the people who represent exactly all the  agb directory elements of the organizational culture: values, standards, communication and everything. They can be a leader, a former employee or someone who has a very nice career in the company.

They are directly related to the company’s purpose and define the standard of behavior of the culture. Examples of values ​​are: innovation, transparency, sustainability, etc.

They are generally created by the company’s leaders and founders and include the company’s philosophy and standards.

Rites, rituals and ceremonies
These are actions that the company has organizational culture  a tradition of doing. They have the objective of improving the organizational climate, as well as engaging employees. They can be parties, competitions, employee recognition or whatever.

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