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Complete guide to internal communication: what it is + 6 advantages + 8 tips to apply it in your company

By “endomarketing” we mean all marketing actions and strategies aim at the internal functioning of the company. In other words, these are marketing actions that seek to encourage employee loyalty in order to ruce turnover and ensure that employees are committ and motivat by the brand’s values internal communication .

Endomarketing works by linking the objectives of two sectors: human resources and marketing. The HR department must ensure a good working internal communication  environment, the fulfillment of brand objectives, and

transform and resolve problems with a view to improving

It is a combination of actions between HR and the marketing department of the company. HR nes to be attentive to the nes of its employees, transforming problems into opportunities for improvement and working to guarantee them the best work environment. This is made possible by promoting institutional values, strategic actions that encourage communication between employees and making  cambodia telegram phone number list each person involv feel like an important part of the company’s growth.

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In this sense, the marketing sector must promote and encourage institutional messages. As we said, internal communication can occur horizontally or vertically . Horizontal refers to when it occurs between employees sales script: what it is and how to make a sales speech  in the same hierarchical sector and vertical, when it refers to workers in different hierarchies, for  internal communication example between an operator and a manager.

What are the main advantages of investing in good internal communication?
Firstly, internal communication helps companies avoid wasting time resolving conflicts by working on them from the root and from a relational approach, rucing the cost of training new workers, encouraging job placement for new agents and helping to shape corporate identification.

Below we detail 6 advantages offer by this endomarketing tool that is internal communication :

Increas company productivity: Facilitates the management of activities and streamlines internal work processes.
Contributes to the organization’s objectives: It allows workers to identify with the company’s values, policies, objectives and standards.

It helps motivate employees: It involves employees in a more personal way, helps strengthen group unity, and keeps them motivat with respect to the objectives to be achiev.
Improves the relationship between collaborators: Ruces conflicts, allows for their resolution and

prevents the emergence of unnecessary rumors

It makes it possible to visualize the company’s situation and achievements: In companies that are distribut in different geographical locations. It improves communication between departments.
Exercises adaptation to changes within the organization: Allows staff retention, avoiding turnover and increasing the effectiveness of work teams.
Companies that have  agent email list manag to be highly. Efficient in their internal communication obtain 47% more profitability for shareholders . This is because having excellent internal communication allows our collaborators to be happier. Turning them into internal brand ambassadors, which translates into a  internal communication 40% increase in customer satisfaction, according to the Staffbase report .


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